February 22, 2025

Various management concepts are crucial to achieving a successful organisation. Management is the process of organising and directing people and resources to achieve a goal by using the least possible input resources. The process is dynamic and must be able to change its goals according to the changing environment. The five major functions of management are planning, organizing, commanding, and coordinating. Each of these functions requires different mechanisms to accomplish the task. All the aspects of an organisation are involved in management, from the highest level to the lowest.

Throughout history, various management concepts have shaped organizational behavior. For example, Peter Drucker introduced the concept of the corporation, a study commissioned by Alfred Sloan, the chairman of General Motors from 1921 until his death in 1956. Drucker has written 39 books, many of which have been derived from the same ideas. Other notable authors include H. Dodge, Ronald Fisher, and Thornton C. Fry, who applied statistics to management studies. Others, like Mary Parker Follett and Elton Mayo, emphasized the role of the manager as a bureaucrat. Others approached management issues from a sociological perspective.

Another concept that has been widely adopted by modern managers is the notion of treating employees as intelligent adults. This mindset helps managers shed the notion that they are ordering employees. Then, they can defer to the employees, allowing them to do their job more efficiently. In this way, micromanagement is impossible. Achieving the best business outcomes, however, is dependent on the implementation of the right management concepts. If you follow these principles, your organization will benefit from a healthy balance of power and respect.

As with any other discipline, management has both art and science characteristics. While many aspects of management are strictly art, others are rooted in science. This distinction makes it difficult to draw a firm definition of management. A proper definition should be based on both art and science. By definition, science involves study of the “why” and the “how”.

Managers in these types of organizations often think of themselves as “controllers” and dehumanize their employees. They often believe that the only way to motivate people is to increase their productivity, and they make lip-service to empowerment and leadership. In reality, the most important part of managing is making people feel good. The following are the three major components of effective management. If you want your employees to be more productive and engaged, you must make them feel valued.

In business, management involves the process of bringing together resources and motivating people. Unlike in the arts, management is not one single act but a series of interrelated activities. The concept of management involves a series of functions and operations, which work to create the most desirable outcomes for an organization. Managing an organisation involves identifying goals and the roles and responsibilities of managers. A manager must be aware of all these factors, as they will influence the success of the organization.